Masha Savicheva

Art Director + Designer


Born in Sevastopol, Crimea.

Based in Auckland, New Zealand.


Fluent in two languages, with the ability to joke (sometimes successfully) in four. I rely on the power of metaphors, so here’s one that speaks for me: if the creative industry were a Michelin-star landscape, I’d be potatoes — warm and simple. Great at a picnic with disposable plates or paired with fine porcelain and fancy wine. I can dive into bold concepts or keep it light with casual chats. Turns out, what I once thought was simplicity is actually my superpower.


I’m the co-founder of Puke Pink, a visual strategy agency. We not only build brand identities but also guide designers through educational tools and experiences — because who doesn’t love sharing their best-kept secrets?


I believe design starts with empathy and works best when it’s honest.